METI Global Internship Training

METI Global Internship Training

The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA) and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) are jointly organizing the METI Global Internship Program entrusted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI). This Program aims to development human resources that can serve us a bridge for strengthening economic cooperation and developing business ties between Japan and host countries. Under this Internship Program young Japanese students and business people are dispatched as Interns to the Government / Government agencies and private sector companies/ organizations in developing countries to engage in practical Internship at the respective host organization. The dispatch period ranges from a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 6 months.

Training Sessions

The companies/ organization hosting Interns will be able to gain renewed opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations through the creation of networks with Japanese companies, the acquisition of knowhow and knowledge on Japanese business customs and attitudes and the revitalization of the companies/ organizations themselves as their guide and interacted with Interns. The list of Interns and the period of their Internship and the Organization / companies to which they were assigned are given here under.

No Name s Companies / Organization


Ms. Rina Hayashi ABK AOTS DOSOKAI, Tamilnadu Centre


Mr.Shun Furushima ABK AOTS DOSOKAI, Tamilnadu Centre


Mr. Kazutaka Suzuki Oriental Green Power Cooperation


Ms. Sachiyo Tatebe ABK AOTS DOSOKAI, Tamilnadu Centre


Ms. Saya Ikematsu Scigenics Biotech Private Limited


Mr. Hirofumi Tsubokawa ABK AOTS DOSOKAI, Tamilnadu Centre


Ms. Maiko Kawai Tamilnadu Chamber of Nippon India Trade & Industry (TACNITI)


Mr. Taira Harashima Nihon Technology Private Limited


Ms. Shino Kato Scigenics Biotech Private Limited